This "Romance" CD contains a selection of popular tunes and encores that I am often asked to perform in my concerts. I have been incredibly lucky to perform all over the world, hence the inclusion of popular songs in Chinese, Japanese and Korean. My accompanist on this record is my soul-mate - the sensitive and excellent pianist Adrian Farmer - with whom I have shared many happy hours of music-making all over the world, including those we have experienced in the recording studio together.
Some composers - Mendelssohn, Poulenc and Hahn - have particular connections to my family, as of course does my ancestor Mathilde de Rothschild. Other songs have been with me all my life, I learnt Brahms's Vergebliches Ständchen long ago while a student in Salzburg. The remainder, particularly Handel's Lascia ch'io pianga, Schubert’s Ave Maria and JJ Niles's I wonder as I wander are included simply because of their immediate and timeless ability to touch the heart of a listener.
In her teens Mathilde de Rothschild was a pupil of Frederic Chopin, but after her marriage to a senior member of the banking family in Frankfurt any thoughts of a performing career had to be dismissed. She turned instead to composition and became a successful and published composer of both German Lieder and French Mélodie. The legendary soprano Adelina Patti asked her to compose a set of five songs and Romance, a setting of "Si vous n'avez rien à me dire" by Victor Hugo, would become one of her celebrated encores – and Mathilde's most recognized song. I found a letter in the Rothschild Archive written by her uncle Anthony de Rothschild in 1866 saying that he had been in the Paris Opera for a concert by Mme Patti where she had omitted to sing that song and he said 'the pit in the Paris Opera rose en masse, crying out for the Romance of Mathilde!'
Mathilde's mother Charlotte entertained Felix Mendelssohn at her Frankfurt home in 1836, the year he wrote Auf Flügeln des Gesanges. He wrote to his mother that he 'admired the Rothschilds for their splendour and luxury because they owe all this to their own industry, good fortune and abilities.'
Two other composers on this disc had a special connection with my family: Francis Poulenc and Reynaldo Hahn. Francis Poulenc used to attend the musical soirées held in the Paris home of Robert de Rothschild on the Avenue Marigny, where artists such as Lotte Lehmann, Elizabeth Schumann, and the young Elizabeth Schwarzkopf sang. My cousin Liliane told me of a very poignant memory she had of Reynaldo Hahn, who was one of her father-in-law Robert's closest friends. There were many power cuts in Paris following the end of the Second World War, and Hahn rang Liliane one evening to ask if she could bring him one of the many oil lamps they had. He met her at the door of his home in rue Gréffulhe, wearing a large blue beret to cover the fact that he had just had an operation for a brain tumour, and he greeted this lamp as if it were the finest present in the world. Sadly he died the following week.
I had a wonderful Scottish nanny and over the years I have often enjoyed holidaying in Scotland, visiting the Isle of Skye and other islands off the West coast, walking in the heather and the glens and steeping myself in their history and traditions. I am delighted to include Stuart Calvert's beautiful and haunting new settings of Loch Lomond and the Skye Boat Song.
Of the many Japanese songs that I sing, one of the most touching is Hana wa saku, the song that was written after the terrible earthquake and tsunami of 2011 in the Tohoku region of Japan. It is a poem of remembrance but also a song of hope; 'flowers will bloom again'.
It is always good to end a programme with an upbeat song, especially if one is about to eat a well-earned dinner! Japanese food is very delicious and I really enjoy singing about Kanpyo, the vegetable that is widely used in sushi – especially as it always gets a laugh from the audience.
私の先祖である女流作曲家マティルド・ド・ロスチャイルドは十代の時にフレデリック・ショパンより音楽の手ほどきを受けました。フランクフルトの銀行家(従兄弟)と結婚した後は、演奏を諦めましたが、作曲家に方向転換し、ドイツ歌曲とフランス歌曲の楽譜出版を果たすほどとなりました。19世紀の伝説的なソプラノ歌手アデリーナ・パッティはマティルドに、ヴィクトル・ユーゴーの詩に付けられた歌曲《ロマンス:Si voux n’avez rien a me dire》
1 | スカーボロー・フェア | 2.54 | |
2 | ダニー・ボーイ | 3.25 | |
3 | クロリスに | R・アーン | 3.11 |
4 | 愛の小道 | F・プーランク | 4.05 |
5 | 甲斐なきセレナード | J・ブラームス | 2.00 |
6 | アヴェ・マリア | F・シューベルト | 6.15 |
7 | かんぴょう | 福井文彦 | 1.37 |
8 | 花は咲く | 菅野よう子 | 4.59 |
9 | アメイジング・グレイス | 3.22 | |
10 | さまよいながら私は不思議に思う | J・J・ナイルズ、 | 3.23 |
11 | スカイ・ボート・ソング | 4.23 | |
12 | ロッホ・ローモンド | 2.54 | |
13 | 茉莉花(ジャスミンの花) | 3.17 | |
14 | ボリバット(大麦畑) | 3.05 | |
15 | 歌の翼に | F・メンデルスゾーン | 3.48 |
16 | ロマンス | M・ド・ロスチャイルド | 2.48 |
17 | 埴生の宿 | H・R・ビショップ、 | 2.52 |
18 | サマータイム(ポーギーとベス) | G・ガーシュイン、 | 3.00 |
19 | 私を泣かせてください(リナルド) | G・F・ヘンデル | 5.00 |
66.00 |
This "Romance" CD contains a selection of popular tunes and encores that I am often asked to perform in my concerts. I have been incredibly lucky to perform all over the world, hence the inclusion of popular songs in Chinese, Japanese and Korean. My accompanist on this record is my soul-mate - the sensitive and excellent pianist Adrian Farmer - with whom I have shared many happy hours of music-making all over the world, including those we have experienced in the recording studio together.
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